Haryana Labour Copy Scholarship Form 2023 / Eligibility & शिक्षा के लिए वित्तिय सहायता (नियम 60)
Short Information :- Haryana Labour Copy Scholarship Form 2023 : Haryana Labour Department invites Applications for Scholarship Form 2023-24. Labour Department Haryana Has Released a Notification For Haryana Labour Copy Scholarship Form 2023. Interested & Eligible Candidate Can Fill Online Form From 01 June 2023 To 31 December 2023.
Application fee for Registered Candidate in Labour Department of Haryana : 95 Rs./-
Class wise amount given under the scholarship scheme
Subsidy Amount
Elementary Education (1st to 8th class)
8000/- per year
Secondary Education (9th to 12th Class) / I.T.I. Course
10000/- per year
Higher Education (1st year to final year of Bachelor’s degree)
15000/- per year
Postgraduate (1st year to final year of Master’s degree)
20000/- per year
Documents Required
Parivar Pehchan Patra(PPP).
Reservation Certificate if any.
Please upload the prescribed application form for education assistance and relevant certificates.
Identity/Citizenship Proof : Aadhaar Card.
It is necessary to have one year regular membership of the registered worker.
It is mandatory to upload the certificate issued by the head of the school/institution in this context if the student is continuing his regular studies in the school/institution.
Only those students who are studying in any institution/school/college of Haryana state will be eligible for this financial assistance.
This Benefit is payable up to three female and two male children only.
In case of failure of the student, financial assistance will not be given again for the same class.
Students who are self employed or employed will not be eligible for benefits under this scheme.
How much Benefits Provided
Children of registered workers from class 1st to diploma, degree, graduation and post graduation etc. Annual financial assistance ranging from Rs.8,000/- to Rs.20,000/- is given till the classes.
1. Minimum Rs. 8000/- for 1st and Maximum up to Rs.20000/- (Post graduation). 2. Rs. 21,000 to 51000 in the shape of fixed deposit on the bases of percentage obtained in Matriculation examination. 3. All the educational expenditure of the professional/technical courses 4. The hostel expenditure up to maximum Rs. 1,20,000/-
How to Apply for Haryana Labour Copy Scholarship Form 2023